14/05/2018 - AllgäuStrom Magazin Heimatstark

AllgäuStrom Magazin Heimatstark

»Our incentive are the smiling eyes.«

An instrument that can be learned quickly without previous musical knowledge or years of practice - would not that be great?

Martin Kern and son David have just invented that, the KernSoundboard. With this they introduce children, adolescents and seniors to music making. "Many are afraid to learn an instrument because they do not trust it," says the junior. The father had the idea of ​​a plucking board ten years ago, on which pages with melody patterns are laid, which then only have to be replayed. Since then, the son in Kempten has been in charge of manufacturing, sales and marketing and knows the benefits of the simple instrument: "Making music helps in cognitive development, which benefits children in particular. But even with dementia patients, we have seen positive effects, as music stimulates brain areas, which are responsible for remembering. "Successfulness sets in quickly - and thus the fun of the instrument. "The driving force for us are the laughing eyes of the big and small sound board players, when they realize how easy it is to elicit sounds from the instrument," reports David Kern. "Music connects like no other language.“

14.05.2018 - AllgäuStrom Magazin Heimatstark